Mes 30 premières comptines anglaises
Auteurs   Guichard, Rémi (Auteur)
Edition  Eveil et Découvertes : Paris , 2009
ISBN   3341348374765
Prix   8.35
Langue d'édition   français
Nombre de réservation(s) actuelle(s) : 0
SiteNuméroCoteSection / LocalisationEtat
Plan d Orgon 1023931307610 E 9.74 GUI Musique / Disponible
Notes : Hands. - How many days. - Clap, clap, clap. - Teddy bear, teddy bear. - I hear thunder. - I've got ten little fingers. - The hokey pokey. - Pussy cat, pussy cat. - Do you ears hang low ?. - Row, row, row your boat. - This little pig went to market. - The grand old duke of York. - The elephant. - Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. - Head and shoulders. - Here we go round the mulberry bush. - Round the house I go. - Ipsy wipsy spider. - Jack be nimble. - Little bo-peep has lost her sheep. - The next door cat. - My little hands. - Two little birds. - Miss Mary Mack. - Three blind mice. - One, two, threen four, five. - Ring a ring o'roses. - The wheels on the bus. - How many miles to Babylon ?. - Down by the station.